Ellendale Tax Information
Tax Collector:
Phone: (302) 422-6727
Tax Payment Mailing Address:
Town of Ellendale
Attn: Tax Collector
P.O. Box 6
Ellendale, DE 19941
Tax Year runs – June 1-May 31
Tax Due Date: May 31st of current year.
Tax Rate: $2.00 per $100.00 of Sussex County Appraised Value (1974)
Penalties/Late Fees: 1% per month plus a $25.00 late fee
Rental Licenses for Rental Properties are billed at the beginning of the year (January) and are for a calendar year. The Fee is $125.00 per year.
For more information see Rental License Agreement Ordinance # 12-02-07-2 and these following documents: Rental License Application
Residents in Ellendale Town Limits pay Town and County taxes.