January Regular Council Mtg.

01/07/2020 at 07:00 PM

January_2020_TC_Mtg Minutes


Re-Organizational/Swear In Meeting & Regular Meeting of Ellendale Town Council

Tuesday January 7. 2020 in

Ellendale Town Hall, 300 McCaulley Avenue


6:30 Re-organizational/swear in meeting – New Council will be sworn in and the Council will reorganize to prepare for 7pm Regular Council meeting



Regular Meeting Agenda:


Call to Order

Moment of Silence/ Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Citizen Recognition

Approval of Agenda

Reading & Approval of Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Police Report –

Solicitor’s Report

Recognition of Visitors – At this time, anyone wishing to address the town council with a certain topic who wasn’t placed on the agenda, may do so now.


Old Business

  1. Comprehensive Plan Review Update – go over new census info -discussion and possible vote
  2. Committee Updates – Land Use, Festival, Tree Lighting, Parade, Youth Council
  3.  Charter Change Project – discussion on all changes needed for Charter; set up public hearing
  4. Zoning/Town Code Project –-discuss, receive comments, and set date for next meeting
  5. 2018 Audit


New Business

  1. Member needed for Planning Commission
  2. Fee Schedule – discuss current fees and vote
  3. Tax Rate – discuss current rate and vote
  4. Council, Town Employees & Police Salaries







Note:    Pursuant to 29 Del. C. 1004(e) (2) Agenda items as listed may not be considered in the sequence. This Agenda is subject to include additional items including executive Sessions or the deletion of items including Executive Sessions, which arise at the time of the meeting.                                                                         



POSTED AT TOWN HALL ON ____12/23/2019___AT _11:40A.M.